This is us!!

This is us!!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

update from last weeks post!

Ok, so for Steve and Jayme, I'm fine....I promise. Last week was the peak of a very long and drawn out month at our house. I was coming off a three week period where I had 3 sick kids and had only left my house 3 times. I was overwhelmed and just sick and tired of being up here with no one to talk to.

Like I said, putting my thoughts to words is very theraputic for me and I woke up the next morning feeling much better. I finally decided that I'm not going to be so passive about everything. I'm not going to leave invitations open ended any more. If I want to go shopping, I'm going to say " I'm going this day, and this time. Do you want to come. " Where I am so isolated from everything, I can't keep working my schedule around other people. I can't keep myself cooped up in the house. It's not fun, and its definitely not something I can take too much of.

Ben and I are getting a membership to our Fitness and Aquatic center and I'll be going every other day to lift weights or work out there. That will be a much needed out for me. Some alone time to clear my head and get in shape. And who knows, maybe I'll meet some volleyball players in the mean time. All I know is that actually going outside with no coat on this weekend was so rejuvinating for me! To feel the sun and not be freezing was long overdue. I love the snow, but I'm so ready for it to be gone. I'm ready for spring....bring it on!


colliganclan said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better.

Rachel said...

I have the same issues with living in Spanish Fork. I like it here, but to drive almost 4 hours round trip to see my family, it's still a long way and we only see them about every 4-6 weeks. I'm glad the weather change is helping you feel better (it's helped me, too!). I've only been to that fitness and acquatic center once, but I really liked it. Anyways, I need to call you to set up a day sometime this month to hang out. Love ya!