This is us!!

This is us!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Random thoughts

So here we go.....
-On the way home I got frustrated at a rude driver. If this guy were any closer to my car he would've been pushing me up the hill. I'm sorry but I don't feel like going 80 mph up a canyon is that back off! I was only in that lane to pass a slower vehicle. Anyway, when he flew past me, I had a surge of road rage and flipped him off! Well, after I did that and as he got a little further ahead of me, I could see that he was a sheriff! OOPS!
-Today at church, my five month old was the noisiest of my kids. How does that happen??
- The kids got a new bunkbed. Brett fell off the bottom bunk on the first night.
-Feeling like I need a change... not sure what kind, but something. My hair, my house, my routine...something.
- Got a new calling in Primary. I teach Adam's class...CTR 4! Kids are good, and its helping me to actually feel involved in our ward.
- I feel like I have no energy. I've been running and instead of getting easier, it seems to be harder lately. I have to get my thyroid checked again...its been a while.
- I could really use a night out. I don't care who with....just out. I get too melancholy being cooped up in my house all winter. If anyone wants to get together, I'm a cheap date :)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Sarah I will have a girls night out with you whenever you want, just let me know because I have been feeling the same way. I feel like I am doing the same thing every single day over and over again and I need a break, just for a while because otherwise I may go insane.